
Showing posts from April, 2019

Job Hunting as a Numbers Game

After some deliberation on the pros and cons of staying in your current position, you have made it. You have talked to your boss and you have both agreed you are leaving. So far so good. You have decided to make a change - go for it. Now, if you are super smart, you have started job hunting months in advance and you have something lined up. If you haven't - that is fine too. Sometimes we need to make the leap of faith and believe we will do it, and things will be just fine in the end. There are two things I found extra helpful: support network and LinkedIn. I have been lucky - I somehow managed to build a network of people who believed I can be successful and totally believed in my capabilities to achieve that break in the IT industry (even when I was filled with self-doubt). Having your own cheerleading team is great on the days when the 'no'-s in my inbox were one too many. There was a simple lesson to be learned there - job hunting is a numbers game and t