'No' as a blessing

Who likes to be told 'no'?


Hearing 'no', going through a mass of rejection letters, can feel horrible. What is more, it can be demotivating and (oh, no!) affecting the way you see yourself.

After I've handled over 100 of 'no'-s in the past weeks, if I am honest with myself, I have to say I was grateful for them. From all those companies and people I have met, there was only one that I thought would be a good fit.

Would I take an offer if it was on the table? Maybe, the pay would be a massive factor to take into consideration for a bad fit. Would I be happy? Who knows, I'd do my best to fit.

I still have a positive attitude and look forward to meeting new companies and new people. One of them will be mine, one of all those interviews will really 'click'.

Finding your tribe in work isn't easy. It is probably more important than the social tribe, as you'd spend over 40 hours with those people. I was blessed to work for a while with a team where I really fit - skills, knowledge, tastes. It was such a pleasure! I am looking for the next team that will make me belong.

The search for that work tribe continues...and I keep counting my blessings.


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