The Big Picture

Everyone is talking about the ability to zoom in the details and zoom out at the bird's eye level to look at the big picture.

Let's be honest, it's difficult.

The task per se isn't complicated, but achieving it with so many distractions around sure is. We get caught up in the daily tasks, and sometimes lose focus on the important bits.

In my case, the big picture is a career in the IT industry. How I get there - not so much.

Jumping between tasks: talking to recruiters, talking to companies, preparing for interviews, and increasing knowledge is daunting. I tend to get caught in the moment - I worry about the little things and miss on the really important.

It is hard, I get derailed. I also remember I am only human. I will fail sometimes. I also make sure I get back on track.

Keep the big picture in front of you!


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